Decentralizing the Plan Approval Process
Business continuity (BC) plan components continually change. We see this change as the rule, not the exception. As a result, BC plans require continuous maintenance to avoid becoming stale or even irrelevant. Occasionally, significant modifications to the plan’s business functions make necessary a major transformation of the plan. These new realities may include organizational restructuring,… Continue reading Decentralizing the Plan Approval Process
Decentralizing the Plan Approval Process
Business continuity (BC) plan components continually change. We see this change as the rule, not the exception. As a result, BC plans require continuous maintenance to avoid becoming stale or even irrelevant. Occasionally, significant modifications to the plan’s business functions make necessary a major transformation of the plan. These new realities may include organizational restructuring,… Continue reading Decentralizing the Plan Approval Process
Decentralizing the Plan Approval Process
Business continuity (BC) plan components continually change. We see this change as the rule, not the exception. As a result, BC plans require continuous maintenance to avoid becoming stale or even irrelevant. Occasionally, significant modifications to the plan’s business functions make necessary a major transformation of the plan. These new realities may include organizational restructuring,… Continue reading Decentralizing the Plan Approval Process
The Rewards and Risks of Networking
In todayâs fast paced business environment everyone is attempting to keep up with trends, best practices and more. Increasing regulations and complex infrastructure continue to drive the need to look around for solutions that are both effective and proven. Networking with your peers has always been a great tool to learn what others are doing,… Continue reading The Rewards and Risks of Networking
The Rewards and Risks of Networking
In today’s fast paced business environment everyone is attempting to keep up with trends, best practices and more. Increasing regulations and complex infrastructure continue to drive the need to look around for solutions that are both effective and proven. Networking with your peers has always been a great tool to learn what others are doing,… Continue reading The Rewards and Risks of Networking
The Rewards and Risks of Networking
In today’s fast paced business environment everyone is attempting to keep up with trends, best practices and more. Increasing regulations and complex infrastructure continue to drive the need to look around for solutions that are both effective and proven. Networking with your peers has always been a great tool to learn what others are doing,… Continue reading The Rewards and Risks of Networking
The Rewards and Risks of Networking
In today’s fast paced business environment everyone is attempting to keep up with trends, best practices and more. Increasing regulations and complex infrastructure continue to drive the need to look around for solutions that are both effective and proven. Networking with your peers has always been a great tool to learn what others are doing,… Continue reading The Rewards and Risks of Networking
BCP in a Down Economy
Business Continuity is even MORE critical in a Down Economy. Why? We’ll discuss that at another time. Today we’d like to discuss funding…how to maintain it, how to increase it, and how to pay for new projects. Packaging – Regardless of what you need to enhance your BCP program, packaging multiple solutions, even from different… Continue reading BCP in a Down Economy
Shelter in place is more than just “staying inside”
Construction , law questions to consider Shelter In Place Is More Than Just “Staying Inside” John Glenn, MBCI Certified Business Continuity Planner Most of our business continuity plans include evacuation procedures of some sort. Many are simply “get out and gather in the parking lot.” Only a few organizations have true “shelter-in-place” options. I… Continue reading Shelter in place is more than just “staying inside”