After Sandy: 4 Steps to Disaster Recovery

A storm like Sandy is a perfect reminder on why every small business needs to constantly be prepared for disaster. This isn’t just ensuring that your company’s data is backed up offsite. It means knowing what to do when a disaster like Sandy knocks down utilities, your office building and your employees’ homes. After a… Continue reading After Sandy: 4 Steps to Disaster Recovery

The Cloud Provides Disaster Recovery As Hurricane Sandy Rages

For Tim Shea, the founder and CEO of Alpha NetSolutions, a 10-year-old managed services and cloud computing provider based in Millbury, Mass., Hurricane Sandy was a non-event for his customers. That’s because of the technology advances that have come with dramatic improvements in cloud computing, Shea said, and its accompanying backup disaster recovery. To read… Continue reading The Cloud Provides Disaster Recovery As Hurricane Sandy Rages

Hurricane Sandy, And The Invisible Hand Of Disaster Recovery

Once again, a terrible natural disaster strikes, and Americans from the Carolinas to New England are doing their best to sort through the wreckage and get their lives back to normal. Already, some, including The New York Times, have said  natural disasters prove the need for big government. In fact, disaster response provides an excellent… Continue reading Hurricane Sandy, And The Invisible Hand Of Disaster Recovery

Hurricane Sandy: Disaster Recovery Improv Tales

Disaster preparedness is a well-known best practice in running a data center, but Hurricane Sandy is showing that in disasters, the unexpected happens. When it does, some disaster recovery plans turn out to have holes in them, while others may still require improvisation. Even SunGard, a specialist in disaster recovery, had its own brush with… Continue reading Hurricane Sandy: Disaster Recovery Improv Tales

Huge customer effort keeps flooded NYC data center running

When seawater flooded streets in lower Manhattan Monday night, it filled the bottom floors of the basement of an office building at 75 Broad St. and its lobby up to four feet. This was not a good development for the data center operated by Peer1 Hosting. To read the article, please click here:

The Amazon Outage in Perspective: Failure Is Inevitable, So Manage Risk

The most recent Amazon Web Services outage left customers (and rival cloud providers) blaming Amazon. Instead, columnist Bernard Golden says, everyone needs to accept that cloud computing is not immune to failure. Fortunately, a key advantage of the cloud — cheap, easy redundancy — will help mitigate the risk of an outage. To read… Continue reading The Amazon Outage in Perspective: Failure Is Inevitable, So Manage Risk

Disaster Recovery vs. Disaster Awareness, Preparedness, and Recovery (DAPR)

In the aftermath of the recent storm, Sandy, it’s good to examine Disaster Recovery. Organizations, solutions partners (vendors), and practices have created a ready handle for recovery from disastrous harm – Disaster Recovery – with the attendant “Disaster Recovery Plan.”  The venerable Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan is meant to secure business continuity in the face… Continue reading Disaster Recovery vs. Disaster Awareness, Preparedness, and Recovery (DAPR)

The Aftermath — Business Communication Rules for Recovery from Hurricane Sandy

If you don’t mention it, you appear heartless; if you give in to it, you appear weak. That is the fine line that each one of us faces in communicating with colleagues, customers, bosses, vendors, friends and family, in the aftermath of historic hurricane Sandy – and after every major national disaster, by the way.… Continue reading The Aftermath — Business Communication Rules for Recovery from Hurricane Sandy