Business Continuity Steering Committee
A committee of decision makers, (e.g., Business leaders, technology experts and continuity professionals) tasked with making strategic policy and continuity planning decisions for the organization, and for providing the resources to accomplish all business continuity program goals.
Business Continuity Strategy
An approach selected by an organization to ensure its recovery and continuity in the face of a disaster or other business disruption
Business Continuity Team (BCT)
Designated individuals responsible for developing, execution, rehearsals, and maintenance of the business continuity plan.
Business Function
A description of work that is performed to accomplish the specific business requirements of the organization. Examples of business function include delivering raw materials, paying bills, receiving cash and inventory control.
Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
Process of analyzing activities and the effect a business disruption might have upon them. Process of analyzing operational functions and the effect a disruption might have upon them.
Business Interruption
Any event, whether anticipated (i.e., public service strike) or unanticipated (i.e., blackout) which disrupts the normal course of business operations at an organization's location.
Business Interruption Costs
The impact to the business caused by different types of outages, normally measured by revenue lost.
Business Interruption Insurance (BII)
Insurance coverage for disaster related expenses that may be incurred until operations are fully recovered after a disaster.
Business Recovery
Steps taken to resume the business within an acceptable timeframe following a disruption.
Business Recovery Coordinator
An individual or group designated to coordinate or control designated recovery processes or testing.