Business Recovery Team

A group responsible for: relocation and recovery of business unit operations at an alternate site following a business disruption; and subsequent resumption and restoration of those operations at an appropriate site.

Business Recovery Timeline

The approved sequence of activities, required to achieve stable operations following a business interruption. This timeline may range from minutes to weeks, depending upon the recovery requirements and methodology.

Business Risk

Risk that internal and external factors, such as inability to provide a service or product, or a fall in demand for an organization's products or services will result in an unexpected loss.

Business Unit

A business unit within an organization e.g. unit/department/division.A unit, department or division within an organization.

Business Unit BC Coordinator

A staff member appointed by a business unit to serve as the liaison person responsible for all BCM direction and activities within the unit.

Business Unit Recovery

A component of Business Continuity which deals specifically with the recovery of a key function or department in the event of a disaster.