The process of preparing for an unforeseen event or circumstance.
Contingency Fund
A budget for meeting and managing operating expense at the time of a business continuity invocation.
Contingency Plan
An event specific preparation that is executed to protect an organization from certain and specific identified risks and/or threats. A plan to deal with specific set of adverse circumstances.
Contingency Planning
Process of developing advanced arrangements and procedures that enable an organization to respond to an undesired event that negatively impacts the organization.
Continuance of Government (COG)
This is a US concept for how government entities plan to continue the key elements of public governance in emergency situations.
Continuance Of Operations Planning
This has applicability mainly in the United States. In most countries BC plans are used for both private and public sector bodies including government entities. In the US COOP is sometimes used as an alternative term to BCM even in the private sector.
Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Management policy and procedures used to guide an enterprise response to a major loss of enterprise capabilities or damage to its' facilities. It defines the activities of individual departments and agencies and their subcomponents to ensure their essential functions are performed.
Continuous Availability
A system or application that supports operations which continue with little to no noticeable impact to the user.
Continuous Operations
The ability of an organization to perform its processes without interruption.
The collection of activities, financial, operational and otherwise, established by a Board and company management that carry out an organization's business in an effective and efficient manner, in line with the organization's approved objectives, goals, and risk appetite.