Disaster Management
Strategies for prevention, preparedness and response to disasters and the recovery of essential post-disaster services.
Disaster Recovery (DR)
The process, policies and procedures related to preparing for recovery or continuation of technology infrastructure, systems and applications which are vital to an organization after a disaster or outage. The strategies and plans for recovering and restoring the organizations technological infra-structure and capabilities after a serious interruption.
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
The management approved document that defines the resources, actions, tasks and data required to manage the technology recovery effort.
Disaster Recovery Planning
The process of developing and maintaining recovery strategies for information technology (IT) systems, applications and data. This includes networks, servers, desktops, laptops, wireless devices, data and connectivity.
Disk Mirroring
Data replication and recovery technique where data is duplicated on a separate disk subsystem preferably separate location, in real time or near real time, to ensure continuous availability of critical information. Data is protected in transit through encryption.
An event that interrupts normal business, functions, operations, or processes, whether anticipated (e.g., hurricane, political unrest) or unanticipated (e.g., a blackout, terror attack, technology failure, or earthquake).
Diverse Routing
The routing of information through split or duplicated cable facilities.
A continuity and recovery strategy requiring the live undertaking of activities at two or more geographically dispersed locations.
A period in time when something is not in operation.
Drop Ship
A strategy for: a) Delivering equipment, supplies, and materials at the time of a business continuity event or exercise. b) Providing replacement hardware within a specified time period via prearranged contractual arrangements with an equipment supplier at the time of a business continuity event.