Ebola Virus Disease

A highly infectious disease that can cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. Currently there is no vaccine or cure. Bats are most likely the carriers as they do not display severe symptoms.

Electronic Vaulting

The electronic transfer of data to an off-site storage facility.

Embedding Business Continuity

The Management Practice within the BCM Lifecycle that continually seeks to integrate Business Continuity into day-to-day activities and organizational culture.


Any incident, whether natural, technological, or human-caused, that requires responsive action to protect life or property.

Emergency Action Plan

A written workplace plan that includes procedures for reporting an emergency, employee evacuation, emergency procedures, and employee contact processes, to be used in case of an emergency. Note: Other content may be included or required by law, refer to specific jurisdiction.

Emergency Control Center (ECC)

The Command Centre used by the Crisis Management Team during the first phase of an event.

Emergency Coordinator

The person designated to plan, exercise, and implement the activities of sheltering in place or the evacuation of occupants of a site with the first responders and emergency services agencies.

Emergency Data Services

Remote capture and storage of electronic data, such as journaling, electronic vaulting and database shadowing/ mirroring.

Emergency Management

The organization and management of the resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies (preparedness, response, and recovery).

Emergency Marshal

A person responsible for ensuring that all employees, visitors and contractors evacuate a site/building and report to the emergency coordinator when their designated floor/area is clear.