An overall goal, consistent with the policy that an organization sets for itself.
Off-Site Storage
Any place physically located a significant distance away from the primary site, where duplicated and vital records (hard copy or electronic and/or equipment) may be stored for use during recovery.
Offsite Location
A site at a safe distance from the primary site where critical data (computerised or paper) and/ or equipment is stored from where it can be recovered and used at the time of a disruptive incident if original data, material or equipment is lost or unavailable.
Operational Level Agreement (OLA)
An operational-level agreement (OLA) specifies the cross-relationships in which organizations engage in support of a service-level agreement (SLA). OLA is the "how" to the SLA which is the "what". (1) OLA defines the responsibilities of each internal or external support group toward other support groups, and typically includes measurable processes and timeframes for delivery of the agreed-upon services. OLAs provide a clear, concise and measurable description of a service provider's internal or external support relationships. (2) An agreement between an IT service provider and another part of the same organization. OLAs define the goods or services to be provided and the responsibilities of both parties. (3) Internal (ITIL) An internal agreement covering the delivery of services by an internal department (e.g., IT, Human Resources) or organization. Other similar terms: operating level agreement, operations level agreement.
Operational Resilience
The demonstrated and repeated ability of key business units or processes to maintain or return to an acceptable operational status after exposure to disruptive or disastrous events.
Operational Risk
The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed procedures and controls. This includes loss from events related to technology and infrastructure, failure, business interruptions, staff-related problems, and from external events such as regulatory changes.
Operations Control
Process, practice or other actions that assure management outcomes.
Operations Planning
Scheme specifying the approach, management elements and resources to be applied to the management of the organization.
Orderly Shutdown
The actions required to rapidly and gracefully suspend a business function and/or system during a disruption.
A person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives.