Recovery Services Agreement / Contract

A contract with an external organization guaranteeing the provision of specified equipment, facilities, or services, usually within a specified time period, in the event of a business interruption.

Recovery Site

A designated site for the recovery of business unit, technology, or other operations, which are critical to the enterprise.

Recovery Teams

A structured group of teams ready to take control of the recovery operations if a disaster should occur.

Recovery Time Capability (RTC)

The demonstrated amount of time in which systems, applications and/or functions have been recovered, during an exercise or actual event, at the designated recovery/alternate location (physical or virtual). 

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

The period of time within which systems, applications, or functions must be recovered after an outage. RTO includes the time required for: assessment, execution and verification. The period of time following an incident within which a product or service or an activity must be resumed, or resources must be recovered.

Recovery Timeline

The sequence of recovery activities, or critical path, which must be followed to resume an acceptable level of operation following a business interruption.


Duplicate technology, facilities, equipment, information or personnel intended to increase reliability or availability and decrease the risk of loss.


Similar to Legislative or Statutory but usually rules imposed by a regulator rather than through direct government legislation.


The process of planning for and/or implementing measures taken to repair or limit damage or exposure to loss.

Repatriation Plan

Repatriation refers to anything or anyone that returns to its country of origin, which can include foreign nationals, refugees, or deportees. Repatriation plans are necessary to help a person adjust once returned to his or her country of origin.