Situational Analysis
The process of evaluating the severity and consequences of an incident and communicating the results.
Social Engineering
Non-technical or low-technology means used to attack or penetrate a system by tricking or subverting operators or users.
Spreader Event
A spreader event occurs when a single person infects other people. A Super spreader event infects a large number of other people. A spreader event is a gathering of any type.
Individual or group having an interest in the performance or success of an organization e.g., customers, partners, employees, shareholders, owners, the local community, first responders, government, and regulators.
Stand Down
Formal notification that the response to a Business Continuity event is no longer required or has been concluded. A formal announcement that alert status is over and the plan will not be invoked any further.
Standalone Test
A test conducted on a specific component of a plan in isolation from other components to validate component functionality, typically under simulated operating conditions.
A continuity and recovery strategy where a facility is available to be made operational as required.
Stay-at-Home Order
A stay-at-home directs the public to remain at home and away from other people unless it’s absolutely necessary to go out. While the public should stay at home as much as possible, exceptions are made for medical care, food, and essential work. Stay-at-home orders are more lenient and may last much longer than a Shelter-in-place order.
Structured Walkthrough
Types of exercise in which team members physically implement the business continuity plans and verbally review each step to assess its effectiveness, identify enhancements, constraints and deficiencies.
Succession Plan
A predetermined plan for ensuring the continuity of authority, decision-making, and communication in the event that key members of executive management unexpectedly become incapacitated.