Up In Smoke: Prepare a Disaster-Recovery Plan Before Disaster Strikes
On Tuesday, April 24, 2012, a fire erupted in an office building in Madison. The blaze caused an estimated $2 million in damage, destroying a large portion of the building. To read the article, please click here: http://www.wisbar.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Wisconsin_Lawyer&template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&contentid=111980
Business Continuity – getting buy-in at the top
It is difficult to get buy-in at the very top in organizations because BCM is wrongly seen as an operational matter. In a booming economy it is easy to think that sufficient resources are available to deal with any adverse incident that might occur. However, in these more challenging times, there is less confidence in… Continue reading Business Continuity – getting buy-in at the top
The âInternet Doomsdayâ Virus Resurfaces Today
You would think that any corporate IT department worth its salt will have already taken care of any possible fallout from the âInternet Doomsday Virusâ problem that is resurfacing today. But according to Kenneth Wisnefski, an online security expert and founder of WebiMax, this includes some major corporations. âMore than 10% of Fortune 500 companies in the… Continue reading The âInternet Doomsdayâ Virus Resurfaces Today
How to Keep Up When a Crisis Hits
Even if you have a well-designed triage response plan for social and traditional media, a crisis may demand extra personnel. How should you prepare to meet those extra demands for eyes, ears, and hands during the initial stages of a crisis? Is outsourcing your only hope? Here are some suggestions on what you can do… Continue reading How to Keep Up When a Crisis Hits
10 crazy IT security tricks that actually work
Network and endpoint security may not strike you as the first place to scratch an experimental itch. After all, protecting the company’s systems and data should call into question any action that may introduce risk. But IT security threats constantly evolve, and sometimes you have to think outside the box to keep ahead of the… Continue reading 10 crazy IT security tricks that actually work
The Period of Restoration – Fact or Theory? – Understanding Business Interruption Claims
Business income coverage is supposed to protect a businessâ net income and operating expenses while its operations are suspended as a result of loss or damage caused by a covered peril. An unexpected interruption of productivity for a period time can be devastating for a business. And because the period of income recovery after a… Continue reading The Period of Restoration – Fact or Theory? – Understanding Business Interruption Claims
Are you communication ready for a disaster? Is your cell phone and your family âemergency readyâ from the communications perspective?
One of my favorite emergency blogs entitled idisaster2.0 recently asked the question, âare you cell phone ready for an emergency?â What a great question! They gave a list of great suggestions that they pulled from the Fairfax Virginia county EOC after the recent derecho storm that blasted the Mid-Atlantic states. I have taken the liberty… Continue reading Are you communication ready for a disaster? Is your cell phone and your family âemergency readyâ from the communications perspective?
What you need to know about disaster recovery in the Cloud
While we all know how important it is to have a good disaster recovery (DR) plan in place, many of us still need to get our heads around this. Traditional disaster recovery planning can generally be expensive to implement and this has been a key inhibitor to many CIOs putting DR planning on their organisationâs… Continue reading What you need to know about disaster recovery in the Cloud
Getting Business Continuity Buy-In
It is difficult to get buy-in at the very top in organizations because business continuity management is wrongly seen as an operational issue. In a booming economy, it is relatively easier to get sufficient resources to deal with any adverse incident that may occur. However, in these more challenging times, there is less confidence in… Continue reading Getting Business Continuity Buy-In
Risk Management Vs Rescue Management
Why is that some hospitals have far higher death rates for the same operations than others? Atul Gawande reports on research at the University of Michigan in his recent commencement address at Williams College, which sheds light on the issue. To read the article, please click here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2012/06/27/having-problems-managing-risk-try-rescue-management/