How to Conduct a Business Impact Analysis
You have just been selected as a member of a team chartered with conducting an enterprise-wide Business Impact Analysis (or BIA, as it is more commonly called), as the first step in developing a new business contingency plan. What does this assignment mean to your already ‘robust’ job responsibilities? Where and how do you start?… Continue reading How to Conduct a Business Impact Analysis
Recovery Planning Can Speed Return to Business
It is human nature to think we won’t be hit by a disaster, whether at home or at work. But in the last two years a seemingly endless procession of fires, floods, hurricanes and bombings – and billions of dollars in damages – have proven otherwise. A written and tested disaster recovery program can determine… Continue reading Recovery Planning Can Speed Return to Business
What are the Chances?
No one knows when and where the next disaster will strike. Catastrophes are, by their very nature, unpredictable. The best we can do is assign some estimate of long-run relative frequency, or probability, to the occurrence of these untoward events. A knowledge of the probability of catastrophic events can, however, provide valuable information on which… Continue reading What are the Chances?
Automated Disaster Recovery Plan Auditing
Prospects for Utilizing Expert Systems to Evaluate Disaster Recovery Plans The application of the techniques of artificial intelligence to the task of disaster recovery plan auditing is discussed. A prototype expert system for DRP auditing[1] is described and evaluated. We conclude that automated DRP auditing is feasible. If you have ever been involved in an… Continue reading Automated Disaster Recovery Plan Auditing
Auditing Business Recovery Plans
Will your Business Recovery Plan stand up to a thorough, well structured audit? Most corporations have a Corporate Audit Department which is charged with also auditing these plans. But most such audits tend to consist of a request to see the hard copy of the plan, to check the most recent review date and the… Continue reading Auditing Business Recovery Plans
Systematic Disaster Planning Part 1: Charting the Course of Disaster
Effective disaster planning is systematic. Good plans are purposeful, methodical and, above all, built on a firm foundation. The best framework for plan foundation-building is a careful and complete risk analysis. Risk analysis attempts to identify the conditions that can lead to disastrous outcomes, and their relative likelihoods. By reasoning through the possibilities, the disaster… Continue reading Systematic Disaster Planning Part 1: Charting the Course of Disaster
Systematic Disaster Planning Part 2: From Ideas to Actions
A disaster plan is a design, or blueprint, for action in the face of adversity. To be effective, the plan must be well thought out, taking into consideration the many complex factors that comprise a disaster. In part 1 of this two-part series, we suggested a rigorous, yet simple to apply, method for the analysis… Continue reading Systematic Disaster Planning Part 2: From Ideas to Actions
Conduct a Hard Hitting BIA: Proven Tips for Success!
So, you have been tasked with developing a business impact analysis as a prelude to your corporate business resumption plan. Congratulations, I am both happy and sad for you! Seriously speaking, this will be a most visible project with ample opportunity to shine in the eyes of executive management. On the other hand, it could… Continue reading Conduct a Hard Hitting BIA: Proven Tips for Success!