Mobility Evolution Driving Effective Crisis Response

Most organizations have developed business continuity and emergency preparedness plans by virtue of necessity, with many of them taking the form of thick binders, flipbooks, and extensive Web pages. While these materials are intended to help save lives, mitigate disasters, and provide other instructions for unexpected situations, the reality is that they are often not… Continue reading Mobility Evolution Driving Effective Crisis Response

‘To Be or Not To Be’ – Prepared for Floods

It’s safe to say that most of the country has experienced extremely volatile weather within the last few years. Research shows that weather patterns are, and will continue to be, increasingly volatile due to changing climate trends. Whether it’s dauntingly cold temperatures or unexpected heavy snowfall, it’s no longer a question of if severe weather… Continue reading ‘To Be or Not To Be’ – Prepared for Floods

Complexities of DR Design for the Federal IT Enterprise

Design of disaster recovery (DR) solutions is sometimes defined as the art of balancing the cost of disruption against the cost of recovery. This simple and elegant definition often masks the true complexity of DR. Cost of disruption is rarely measured solely in terms of revenue loss and often includes the damage to intangibles such… Continue reading Complexities of DR Design for the Federal IT Enterprise

Getting Buy-In for a Business Continuity Management System

Organizational buy-in is critical to the success of your business continuity management system (BCMS) implementation efforts. Getting all stakeholders on board at the outset will help gain the support to conduct research and follow up on findings collected. Support from senior leadership will especially lend authority to your BCMS project and help you to: Ensure… Continue reading Getting Buy-In for a Business Continuity Management System

Technology Reconnaissance: A New Role for Continuity

NEW TECHNOLOGY Technological progress is a wonderful thing. It allows us to change the world more with each passing year. We have instant communications, unbelievably fast data-processing, advanced materials, and design capabilities that yesterday’s engineers could only dream of. Today, a child has access to a wealth of information that makes the Library of Alexandria… Continue reading Technology Reconnaissance: A New Role for Continuity

Resiliency 2015: Technology That Delivers Intelligence, Insights in Real Time

When a major storm or natural disaster erupts, today’s businesses and organizations often can’t respond fast enough. For organizations, this could cause significant process disruptions and concerns for employees, even if IT systems stay up. It usually takes a post-mortem examination to figure out what happened and how one could have been better prepared for… Continue reading Resiliency 2015: Technology That Delivers Intelligence, Insights in Real Time