BC/DR Profession Helping Itself

A primary purpose of DRJ’s Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) is to assist in enhancing DRJ conferences and magazine. The board is staffed by 16 experienced BC/DR professionals with an excelsior mindset. It is also a group that changes, by design. There are term limits and that means people roll-off and new members are elected. At… Continue reading BC/DR Profession Helping Itself

BC/DR Profession Helping Itself

A primary purpose of DRJ’s Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) is to assist in enhancing DRJ conferences and magazine. The board is staffed by 16 experienced BC/DR professionals with an excelsior mindset. It is also a group that changes, by design. There are term limits and that means people roll-off and new members are elected. At… Continue reading BC/DR Profession Helping Itself