Five DDoS Misconceptions

It seems like the IT community can’t get through a single week lately without news of another denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Whether it is the recent waves of attacks against financial institutions, the gaming industry, or hosting providers, the most striking piece of information about these events is their effectiveness and method diversity. Not too long… Continue reading Five DDoS Misconceptions

ISO 9004:2009 – The Best Kept Secret in the World of Business Management Systems

Many organizations are aware that if you want to improve your business, international management systems standards provide a foundation for effective management and continual improvement. What many people do not know is that there is an additional document that helps businesses to identify problem areas, set up procedures for continual self-assessment and improvement, identify what… Continue reading ISO 9004:2009 – The Best Kept Secret in the World of Business Management Systems

Integrating ITDR Into ITSM (ITIL)

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) practices for IT service management originated in England in the 1980s and has been adopted by many IT organizations, especially in larger companies, in order to improve and standardize the delivery of IT services to their customers, both internal and external. ISO also offers a standard and framework around… Continue reading Integrating ITDR Into ITSM (ITIL)

How Businesses Can Prepare For Disasters By Researching Lending Opportunities

As unpredictable weather continues to surprise us, it is especially important for business owners to have a plan in place when it comes to recovering after a natural disaster. Whether you are knowingly at risk or a freak accident occurs, it is always better to be prepared for the worst than not at all. When… Continue reading How Businesses Can Prepare For Disasters By Researching Lending Opportunities

Active Tropical Weather Trends Continue in Summer of 2013

After three consecutive seasons of active tropical weather in the Atlantic basin, it appears that 2013 will continue with that trend. Nineteen named storms formed in 2010, 2011, and 2012, which all tied for the third highest seasonal counts. This is well above the average of 11 named storms. The hurricane season for the Atlantic… Continue reading Active Tropical Weather Trends Continue in Summer of 2013

Hurricane Season 2013: The Lessons of Sandy

A rare event is not an impossible event. Just ask the emergency response teams in the German city of Passau, built at the intersection of the Danube, the Inn, and the Ilz rivers. In recent weeks, Passau has experienced its worst flooding since 1501 – a 500-year flood! New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, after surveying… Continue reading Hurricane Season 2013: The Lessons of Sandy

Is The Worst Case Scenario Truly the Worst It Can Get?

Major disasters have struck throughout the United States, with the middle corridor taking many hits. The news from tornadoes, flooding, tropical storms and other disasters has been eye-opening. I think the biggest lesson I have taken from these news reports is that even the prepared can become unprepared quite quickly, depending on the magnitude of… Continue reading Is The Worst Case Scenario Truly the Worst It Can Get?