Migrating to the Cloud

When it comes to ensuring security for legacy and emerging data storage needs, companies are at a crossroad. Many companies are starting to invest in technologies like cloud to meet their storage demands. In many ways, cloud services have fundamentally changed data protection services (DPS) and disaster recovery for the better. Speed, cost efficiency, and… Continue reading Migrating to the Cloud

Powering Disaster Planning

Improving Battery Reliability with Automation   Disasters are a challenge for any business regardless of their products or services, hence the essential role of business continuity planning. For industries such as telecommunications, utilities, railroads, and others that rely on a distributed infrastructure to deliver on-demand services, disaster recovery and continuity planning are even more complicated… Continue reading Powering Disaster Planning

Be Wary of Being Arbitrary When Choosing RTOs

Few business continuity (BC) tasks exceed the importance or visibility of determining the recovery time objective (RTO). Unfortunately, dysfunctional practices can creep into this process and cause “arbitrary” RTOs to be created. Three key examples of arbitrary RTOs include those which are “calculated,” “open-ended,” and “elongated.” For an arbitrarily calculated RTO, a BC planner uses… Continue reading Be Wary of Being Arbitrary When Choosing RTOs

Make A Connection

It’s not what you know but who you know. This business mantra has been around since the mid-1900s. Yes, way back before conferences, social media, e-mail, professional organizations, LinkedIn, instant messaging, and “friending” – savvy folks recognized that having a strong network is a key to success. Gone are the days of opening the Yellow… Continue reading Make A Connection

Ownership: Where Do Our Responsibilities Begin and End as Business Continuity Professionals?

One of the latest threats to organizations is something termed “ransomware.” Commonly defined as a type of malware that blocks access to an application and its data until the victim pays a predetermined amount of money. You may have read about two recent attacks, one targeting the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center and the other targeting… Continue reading Ownership: Where Do Our Responsibilities Begin and End as Business Continuity Professionals?