Business Continuity Planning Tabletop Exercise White Paper
PURPOSE The purpose of business continuity planning (BCP) tabletop exercising is to demonstrate to management the ability of one or more critical business processes to continue functionality, within the required time frame, following an interruption. OBJECTIVES The approach to completing the BCP Tabletop Exercise is to first agree with business process owners and managers on… Continue reading Business Continuity Planning Tabletop Exercise White Paper
Exploring the Legacy of the Year 2000 Efforts
The millennium rollover, and events during the first few months of 2000 are no longer a mystery; they’re history. We know what has happened, and what hasn’t. We know how accurate the predictions were, and how they weren’t too accurate. Yes, there may be a few surprises still in store as quarterly and special reports… Continue reading Exploring the Legacy of the Year 2000 Efforts
Business Continuity Services, Request for Proposal White Paper
Executive Summary Developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for technology solutions is a well-accepted practice. It is a method for vendors to recommend enabling solutions that may give your company a competitive edge. On the other hand, preparing an RFP for consulting services often is considered unnecessary. This is not the case. Many companies look… Continue reading Business Continuity Services, Request for Proposal White Paper
Aesop, a Fabulous Source for Business Continuity Planners
The Stag Looking into the Pool A stag, drinking at a clear pool, admired the handsome look of his spreading antlers, but was much displeased with the slim and ungainly appearance of his legs. “What a glorious pair of branching horns!” said he. “How gracefully they hang over my forehead! What an agreeable air they… Continue reading Aesop, a Fabulous Source for Business Continuity Planners
Distributed Redundancy: “Maximum Availability at Minimal Cost”
As the need for greater system availability intensifies across virtually every industry ‘ from global banking to just-in-time manufacturing ‘ network, IT, and other information systems managers are asked to guarantee an unprecedented level of computer uptime. To compound the problem, the platforms on which these critical applications reside have never been more vulnerable. They… Continue reading Distributed Redundancy: “Maximum Availability at Minimal Cost”
Business Continuity Planning & the Highly Protected Risk Expanding the Envelope
Planning For the Entire Organization Disaster Recovery has long been concerned mainly with information technology systems. Its origin as a response to data center needs has produced this situation. With the continuous cost cutting of the last decade, corporations have attempted to eliminate much of the redundancies once provided in their systems. Threats, beyond those… Continue reading Business Continuity Planning & the Highly Protected Risk Expanding the Envelope
Zero Tolerance, IT Physical Security More Vital Than Ever
The drive to maintain a 24×7 IT facility coupled with zero tolerance for disruption in customer service has put data security at the top of every CEO’s agenda. For a select few of the biggest corporations, who have the resources to build multiple redundant sites, this problem is manageable. For the vast majority of companies,… Continue reading Zero Tolerance, IT Physical Security More Vital Than Ever
Hurricane Floyd, The Double-Barreled Blast
The weekend of September 11-12, 1999 in Florida saw beautiful, peaceful weather, but the minds of the people responsible for the protection of their respective businesses were churning like the winds of Hurricane Floyd then in the Atlantic. Floyd had made a slight turn northward and was heading straight for the Florida Gold Coast by… Continue reading Hurricane Floyd, The Double-Barreled Blast
Ask E-Continuity Questions First, Act Later
The Smart Approach to Engaging ASP Services -making sure providers can protect applications is critical- As the growing pressures of e-commerce drive customers to demand that hosting firms provide a broader range of services, ISPs and new entrants alike are answering the call by becoming Application Service Providers. To be safe not sorry, customers engaging… Continue reading Ask E-Continuity Questions First, Act Later
Coping with Cyber-Crisis: Identifying, Preventing and Overcoming Threats to Corporate Reputation
Corporate disasters come in many shapes and sizes. But whatever the impact on products, plants or people, the reputation of an organization is often what suffers the most damage. Unfortunately, there is an important new source of threat to a company’s reputation: the Internet. As exciting as the Internet is for many businesses, it carries… Continue reading Coping with Cyber-Crisis: Identifying, Preventing and Overcoming Threats to Corporate Reputation