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Episode 125: 5 Metrics & KPIs You Should Be Tracking for Business Resilience

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Every organization should have a dashboard that measures their preparedness, but how exactly does one measure preparedness? We’ve spent years helping businesses rethink how to measure the effectiveness of their resiliency program. In fact, we have a 200 question input form that examines just this. While this podcast episode is not long enough to share all 200 questions, we’d like to offer five metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) you can use to help you assess your business resilience. Stay tuned as Vanessa dives into the five areas organizational leaders can look at to answer the question “how prepared is my business?”

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5 metrics to examine for business resilience include:

  • Program Management: Examine the program coordinator role – what does this role entail? Program administration – is there a budget and is it adequate? Are you looking at laws and authorities that your program may be required to follow?
  • Planning: How do you measure your planning efforts? Start by looking at the planning and design process. Is there a process for you to involve your stakeholders from the planning and design perspective?
  • Implementation: What are the common plan requirements that you are measuring or evaluating? Do you have clear lines of authority and succession defined? Are procedures in place and are they communicated so that information can move across your organization?
  • Training and education: Does your program have a curriculum? Does your curriculum provide training for employees to make them aware of your emergency response plans and continuity plans?
  • Exercises and tests: Are program plans and procedures evaluated through periodic exercises and tests? Are these tests designed to determine the capabilities needed?

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Vanessa Mathews, host

Vanessa Mathews is the founder and chief resilience officer of Asfalis Advisors, where they are focused on protecting the legacy of the leaders they serve through business resilience. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Mathews developed global crisis management and business continuity programs for government and private sector organizations to include Lowe’s Companies, Gulfstream Aerospace, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Jon Seals, producer

Jon Seals is the editor in chief at Disaster Recovery Journal, the leading magazine/event in business continuity. Seals is an award-winning journalist with a background in publication design, business media, content management, sports journalism, social media, and podcasting.

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