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Episode 124: A Business Continuity Framework You Can Use in Your Personal Life

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As business continuity professionals, we prepare for possible disasters that may strike the business world. That being said, how prepared are you for personal disasters? Author and business resilience expert Michele Turner talks with us about a framework you can use in your personal life. Tune into today to learn more about the P.A.R.S.E. framework and how it can apply to both your personal and professional life. Michele Turner is an Amazon bestselling author as well as the global senior director – deputy chief continuity and resilience officer at Expedia Group.

Contact Michele Turner at:



Links mentioned:

Episode 09 with Michele Turner:

Michele’s book: “Lessons Learned: Short Stories of Continuity and Resilience”

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Three takeaways from today’s episode include:

  • P.A.R.S.E. Framework, which stands for Prepare, Assess, Remediate, Sustain and Examine
  • When you have a framework that works, you can apply it to any company or any situation. An important note when applying a framework: be prescriptive without being restrictive. Examine the culture of a company first before applying it.
  • Stockdale paradox: Have you acknowledged where your challenges and vulnerabilities are in order to get to the good? If you don’t acknowledge them, you won’t get to where you need to be. 

Disaster Recovery Journal:

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Vanessa Mathews, host

Vanessa Mathews is the founder and chief resilience officer of Asfalis Advisors, where they are focused on protecting the legacy of the leaders they serve through business resilience. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Mathews developed global crisis management and business continuity programs for government and private sector organizations to include Lowe’s Companies, Gulfstream Aerospace, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Jon Seals, producer

Jon Seals is the editor in chief at Disaster Recovery Journal, the leading magazine/event in business continuity. Seals is an award-winning journalist with a background in publication design, business media, content management, sports journalism, social media, and podcasting.

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