Throughout my entire IT career, I’ve had to deal with businesses needing data protection from external people looking to cause damage or harm a company’s day-to-day internal operations. A lot of companies have had a lot of breaches and were not prepared for it. This is where part of my expertise has come into play for me to help troubleshoot and resolve it.

Companies want to keep their data safe and out of reach hackers as well as other types of entities. They try to steal sensitive data information – like hospital patients, intellectual property – and use it against them. When a company is being held hostage in order to gain back access to their computer systems, the hacker or entity usually requests a ransom to be paid to handover access back.

Companies put in this type of position are contemplating whether or not to pay the ransom in order to regain access. Businesses need to have additional insurance – cybersecurity – in order to protect themselves. One thing standard insurance companies don’t like to do is payout the customer. There needs to be fortification within day-to-day business operations on a company’s computer network infrastructure.

When these types of situations arise, my IT training and expertise kicks in for me. I deal with the situation at hand. I gathered my team and the resources needed to resolve the problem. I assess the mess by gathering the information and resolve it. Hackers look for companies that have weak foundations on data security every day. They scour the internet for vulnerabilities in company firewalls and try to create havoc. Once the matter in question has been resolved, I then put policies and procedure instructions in place to ensure the issue not happen again.

Since technology changes so fast these days, I really wouldn’t change much as far as how I resolve issues. Each business is different in how they operate on a daily basis.

I take each circumstance on a case-by-case basis. When I say this phrase “no two businesses are alike” it means each business, department or field office works differently in how they operate. Even an enterprise-level company – which has many departments and field offices – you’re going to encounter different types of work styles.

One needs to be adaptive and flexible to all kinds of environments.


Ron Klink

Ron Klink’s journey has been building for more than three decades in the IT industry, reinforced by an abundance of industry experience. It has made him capable of delivering a deep understanding of different IT challenges since the early 1990s. From starting out as an IT technician to being the CEO of an IT and telecommunication company, Klink’s experiences have given him a thorough understanding of the diverse challenges businesses encounter.

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