Suddenly (or not so suddenly) it is that time of the year; the time for you to start to plan the annual senior management tabletop exercise. That’s the four- to eight-hour event where folks at the C-level assemble and wrestle a firm-wide crisis to the ground. Not a simple task, as it includes a host of individual details and the complexity of scheduling a group of diverse folks with demanding calendars and commitments. Developing an exercise scenario involving this level of management is itself a major undertaking. It entails formulating a situation to engage all parties continuously over an extended…
Walking the Walk: Leveraging BC Concepts to Sustain the Best-in-Class BC Event
Well, we did it again – and at the same time I hope we never do it again. We just...
Protective Measures for Tornadoes and Best Practices
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...
DEI – Back to the Basics
If speaking about our differences makes you “uncomfortable,” I recommend you continue to scroll on. I wish you an enjoyable...
Right Mindset in the Context of Business Continuity Management
Business continuity management is a holistic process identifying potential threats and their impacts on business operations, providing a framework for...