Episode 153: Growing and Developing the Leaders in Your Organization

Developing leaders in your organization is mutually beneficial for your employees and the organization. In this episode, Debbie Maples, the VP of global safety and security at Salesforce, joins us to share why developing leaders is more important than ever, and how you can empower the leaders in your organization.

Some of the key takeaways include: 

  • Leaders can be born or made, it’s not necessarily one or the other. Some people do have natural leadership abilities, but whether they do or not, it’s our responsibility to nurture the leadership skills in everyone.
  • If you’re really good at what you do, it’s easier to do things yourself, but that’s also the selfish choice. Share your knowledge freely and empower the people around you with those skills.
  • We are living in unprecedented times that will only get more complicated in the future. We need to build teams with specialized leaders that can handle unpredictable situations.

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Vanessa Mathews, host

Vanessa Mathews is the founder and chief resilience officer of Asfalis Advisors, where they are focused on protecting the legacy of the leaders they serve through business resilience. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Mathews developed global crisis management and business continuity programs for government and private sector organizations to include Lowe’s Companies, Gulfstream Aerospace, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Jon Seals, producer

Jon Seals is the editor in chief at Disaster Recovery Journal, the leading magazine/event in business continuity. Seals is an award-winning journalist with a background in publication design, business media, content management, sports journalism, social media, and podcasting.

KEYWORDS: Leadership, leadership development, leadership skills, security leaders, business continuity leaders, business resilience

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