The healthcare industry has always been and will continue to be the target of ransomware and other cyberattacks. These breaches, like the string of attacks which have recently hit several major hospitals and health systems, have exposed the security vulnerabilities of several of our nation’s most trusted healthcare institutions. More valuable on the black market than getting someone’s social security number, an electronic medical health record could be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars to cybercriminals. In fact, after several years in which the value of medical records on the black market had decreased, a 2019 study suggests a…
How to Defend Against Cyberattacks That Take Over Admin Accounts
In July, 45 high-profile Twitter accounts tweeted variations of the same offer: Send me any amount of Bitcoin, and I’ll...
Understanding Ransomware
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...
Three Pillars of a Secure Cloud Architecture
Cloud platform providers such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft have invested heavily in creating secure environments for customers to operate...
Achieving Data Resilience at Scale
A Radically New Approach to Backup and Recovery in the Data Age Nobody likes to lose things. As long as...