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Episode 128: Is Your Inclusive Messaging Backed Up By Inclusive Practices?

Since 2020, there has been a surge of businesses taking a stance on social justice issues, but not all are building a consistent message. How can they ensure that their inclusive messaging is backed up by inclusive practices and behavior? Where are corporations missing the mark? In this episode, Vanessa speaks with Crystal Whiteaker about how to do the work to make sure your company’s message matches its values. Crystal is an inclusive branding consultant who helps leaders and brands who care deeply about diversity, equity and inclusion create human-focused environments and experiences rooted in core values.

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Three forms of inclusive messaging to consider include:

  • Visual Messaging. Are your visuals inclusive and representative of all lived experiences? Do the visuals you put out match what your company actually looks like?
  • Written Messaging. Make sure you are using inclusive language and being mindful of how you are communicating. Even in the digital space, are you set up for people with disabilities? For example, are you providing transcripts for video/audio messages? 
  • Behavioral Messaging. Are you saying things in the boardroom that don’t align with your inclusive messaging? Do the values of the organization match the values of the employees and leaders?

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Vanessa Mathews, host

Vanessa Mathews is the founder and chief resilience officer of Asfalis Advisors, where they are focused on protecting the legacy of the leaders they serve through business resilience. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Mathews developed global crisis management and business continuity programs for government and private sector organizations to include Lowe’s Companies, Gulfstream Aerospace, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Jon Seals, producer

Jon Seals is the editor in chief at Disaster Recovery Journal, the leading magazine/event in business continuity. Seals is an award-winning journalist with a background in publication design, business media, content management, sports journalism, social media, and podcasting.

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