For the last several years, the Data Protection Trends Report has published the unbiased sentiments of IT leaders who were responsible for the backup and (IT) disaster recovery strategies for their organizations. The 2024 report surveyed 1,200 enterprises with some unsettling insights for senior leaders responsible for the business continuity or crisis management of their organizations – especially for C-level executives who may have delegated key aspects of their BC/CM or business resiliency strategies to their IT leaders. What is causing IT outages? Ransomware? Absolutely, but the survey data reveals if organizations have overly conflated their cyber-preparedness with their IT-DR…
The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Disaster recovery plans (DRP) are written to ensure an organization can quickly and efficiently recover from a disaster or unexpected...
Disk-based Backup Targets Up Their Game to Meet Ransomware’s Challenges
Organizations may consider their backup problems solved. Having replaced tape with disk as their primary backup target over the past...
Backup and Data Recovery Challenges in Cloud Environments
While hybrid cloud adoption is increasing and data protection remains a top organizational priority, companies are still struggling to refine...
Infrastructure Considerations for Disaster Recovery
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...