Recently my wife and daughter were lamenting the pandemic closure of college campuses. Wife: "I am just so sorry that you're missing out on so much of your college experience." Daughter: "It’s OK mom. I mean who could have planned for this?" At this point in the discussion, I turned to them, threw my hand up in the air, and declared: "ME! I planned for this!" This clear and obvious observation was not received as well as you'd expect. There were neither accolades nor thank yous. In fact, the replies I received consisted entirely of eye rolls and groans. I…
It Is Time to Tackle the Challenges of the ‘Last Mile(s)’
The logistics industry has faced multiple new pressures over the last two years, beginning with the COVID-19 pandemic and snowballing...
The Doorman
Digital Credibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence “He was a nice enough guy, I guess. He seemed to pretty...
A Business Continuity Framework You Can Use in Your Personal Life
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...
Facing a Stream of Incidents with Business Continuity Management
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of business and industrial failures, turbulences and disruptions were not principally attributed to mismanagement...