There is no doubt that modern and emerging technologies have drastically changed how fans experience live events. Fans want to be connected to the experience through their mobile devices at all times, not only to broadcast that they are at the game, but also to stay tuned to what is going on outside of the game. Many of the technologies that allow fans to stay connected are also helping to improve security at events to keep bad actors out and prepare staff for any number of emergencies. Additionally, as streaming services change the way we watch live events, today’s stadiums…
The Data Center Playbook for Disaster Preparedness
Developing a good disaster recovery strategy is essential for both enterprises and the data centers which serve them. A widely...
Are Your BC & DR Programs Designed for Ransomware?
Can you name the top risks you should be planning for as a business continuity professional? According to the World...
Secure Disaster Recovery Starts with a Strong Backup Environment
No one in IT leadership wants to go through a data disaster recovery effort or rectify large-scale impacts to corporate...
How Ignoring Data Backups Puts Your Processes, Products, and People at Risk
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...