I recently had an engagement at a Fortune 500 company where three of our consultants conducted about 100 BIAs. With so many BIAs to conduct, they naturally encountered a few bumps in the road. These included the following: The session where the leader of the business unit said he already knew their unit was of critical importance to the company and therefore conducting a BIA was a waste of time. The group left the interview without providing any data. A business unit which took two sessions to complete its BIA (rather than the usual one) because they brought many people…
4 Steps to Get Organizational Buy-In for Resilience Technology
Perhaps you’re in charge of safety, business continuity, disaster recovery planning, or even communications at your company. You’re convinced resilience...
Strategic Communication Methods for DEI
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...
6 Ways You Can Incorporate AI into Your Business Continuity Program Now
Artificial intelligence is buzzing in every area of business right now, including the practice of business continuity. Advances in natural-language...
Human Resources Strategies for Building Culture and Acquiring Talent
https://youtu.be/ep5ySQ3Hcjg Episode 146:  Human Resources Strategies for Building Culture and Acquiring Talent Over the last few years, trends in recruiting,...