Severe weather is one of the biggest disruptors in business operations, regardless of your location. In 2020 alone, severe weather in the U.S. accounted for $99 billion in economic losses, with a record number of billion-dollar weather events. I work with businesses all over the world, in all different industries, to help them stay safe and if possible, operational before, during, and after natural disasters. While each of these businesses’ needs vary greatly, one key tool I recommend to them all is the tabletop drill. A tabletop drill or exercise requires staff to work together to run through their response…
Hybrid Remote Work Model – The New Office
Good news: remote workers are highly productive. We need to rethink the future of the corporate office and lead with...
Leadership Series: Success in the First 90 Days
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a series of business continuity-related leadership articles from Nita Kohli, exclusively on
Resilience is Worth the Investment
As the end of the year quickly approaches, most corporate strategic planning and budgeting processes are in full swing. During...
Preparing For a BIA
So, you’ve convinced management to let you conduct a BIA. Congratulations! However, if you are tempted to immediately jump in...