Sachin Kumar Singh is a recognized business continuity management expert with more than 10   years of experience covering motorsports, telecommunication, utility, manufacturing, distribution, and government organizations. Over the years, Singh has been instrumental in helping these organizations with the definition, development, implementation, maintenance, and exercise of their business continuity programs. Singh is a business continuity manager with Yas Marina Circuit (YMC). YMC is primarily responsible for hosting Formula 1 and World Rally Cross Championship in Abu Dhabi apart from other non-motorsports events. He has been working in the business continuity and information security field for seven years. He lives in…
The Three Elements of a Resilient Post-Pandemic Recovery
In the post-pandemic era, knowledge is a driver of a more cohesive work environment as we face the post-pandemic recovery....
Structuring the Crisis Management Team
The way you structure and staff your crisis management team (CMT) is the make-or-break factor in terms of how well...
Adapting Weather Response Plans to Handle Compounding Disasters
Over time, it has become increasingly clear the climate is changing. In recent years, hurricanes have made landfall along the...
Crisis Management With an Equity Lens
Subscribe to the Business Resilience DECODED podcast – from DRJ and Asfalis Advisors – on your favorite podcast app. New...