It’s a rare company that is completely confident in its disaster recovery (DR) plan. DR strategy is challenging for organizations of all sizes and stripes – both from a cost perspective, and simply because it’s not easy to be aware of every possible looming threat which can result in aggravating and expensive unplanned downtime. The fact is perfect disaster recovery architecture can seem unattainable for a number of good reasons. First, budgets can be prohibitive, given the financial and staff resources needed for effective DR planning and implementation. Unless your company has been forced to react as the victim of…
Preparing for the Worst: How DRaaS Can Save Your Business
In 1999, one of the most infamous cyberattacks, back before Y2k and the advent of cybersecurity as we knew it,...
Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket Unless You Like Them Scrambled
Examining the OVHcloud Disaster The catastrophic fire at OVHcloud, one of Europe’s leading cloud hosting providers, was a stark reminder...
Structuring Recovery and Business Continuity in an Unstructured Environment
Disaster recovery and business continuity must function now in a far more risk-laden and complex environment. While ransomware threats continue...
Is Disaster Recovery the Unsung Cybersecurity Hero?
With 600,000 new malware threats being identified every day, experts warn that every company will eventually be a victim. What...