DR Rules and Regs
Note: A Special Thank you DRJ’s Editorial Advisory Board for their incredible efforts to identify and compile this information.
*UPDATED – September 2023
The Rules and Regulations (R&R) committee of the DRJ has been providing one of the best resources for professionals within our industry for identifying global regulations.
We currently have 118 business continuity regulations identified, impacting across eight industry sectors. We continue to seek out new regulations to add to the list.
The role of the committee is to review the entire data base, repair any broken links, and remove any obsolete rules and regulations. Additionally, some of our committee will seek out new rules and regulations to add to the list. Our committee of 19 volunteers conducts this review at least annually.
Anyone interested in participating in this committee should contact the Rules and Regulations Committee at: rules@drj.com.
Download the Spreadsheet (MS Excel: for Excel versions 2007 and later)
Download the Spreadsheet (MS Excel: compatible with MS Excel 1997 to 2003)
Download the PDF (PDF File)