DRJ Glossary of Business Continuity Terms
Occurs when a disaster's effects are widespread and its impact is so great that it overwhelms a community's ability to function.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – A United States federal public health institute, under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Its main goal is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and internationally. It focuses on infectious disease, food borne pathogens, environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention and education.
Change Advisory Board (CAB)
A group that advises and the supports assessment, prioritization, authorization and scheduling of change requests. The CAB composition can vary from organization to organization but it may include Engineers, IT Security managers, Major Incident managers, Operations managers, Service Desk analysts, Customer Service managers, among other subject matter experts (SMEs.)
An ECAB is a sub-set of the Change Advisory Board (CAB). ECAB members make decisions about high impact Emergency Changes which include verifying whether a Change is actually an emergency.
a) Tool to remind and /or validate that tasks have been completed and resources are available, to report on the status of recovery. b) A list of items (e.g., names or tasks) to be checked or consulted.
Checklist Exercise
A method used to exercise a completed disaster recovery plan. This type of exercise is used to determine if the information in the plan (e.g., phone numbers, manuals, equipment) is accurate and current.
Civil Disorder
Event or situation, such as a terrorist attack, riot, violent protest, demonstration, or illegal assembly, which threatens serious damage to human welfare and security in a physical location or environment.
Civil Emergency
Event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare in a place, environment or a place or the security of that place.
Cold Site
An environmentally equipped facility that provides only the physical space for recovery operations while the organization using the space provides its own office equipment, hardware and software systems and any other required resources to establish and continue operations. A site (data centre/work area) equipped with appropriate environmental conditioning, electrical connectivity, communications access, configurable space and access to accommodate the installation and operation of equipment by key employees required to resume business operations.
Command Center/Centre
Operational site (physical or virtual) used by a crisis team after the initial phase of an emergency; can also serve as a reporting point for deliveries, services, press and all external contacts.
Common Recognized Information Picture (CRIP)
A statement of shared situational awareness and understanding, which is briefed to crisis decision-makers and used as the accepted basis for auditable and defensible decisions.