DRJ Glossary of Business Continuity Terms

Continuity of Operations (COOP)

Management policy and procedures used to guide an enterprise response to a major loss of enterprise capabilities or damage to its' facilities. It defines the activities of individual departments and agencies and their subcomponents to ensure their essential functions are performed.

Continuous Availability

A system or application that supports operations which continue with little to no noticeable impact to the user.

Continuous Operations

The ability of an organization to perform its processes without interruption.


The collection of activities, financial, operational and otherwise, established by a Board and company management that carry out an organization's business in an effective and efficient manner, in line with the organization's approved objectives, goals, and risk appetite.

Control Framework

A model or recognised system of control categories that covers all internal controls expected within an organization.

Control Review

Involves selecting a control and establishing whether it has been working effectively and as described and expected during the period under review.


The boundary line of a zone that is determined, reinforced by legislative power, and exclusively controlled by the emergency services from which all unauthorised persons are excluded for a period of time determined by the emergency services.


A group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Common viruses include COVID-19, SARS, MERS, Influenza and the common cold.

Corporate Governance

The system/process by which top management of an organization are required to carry out and discharge their legal, moral and regulatory accountabilities and responsibilities.

Corporate Risk

A category of risk management that looks at ensuring an organization meets its corporate governance responsibilities takes appropriate actions and identifies and manages emerging risks.