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Note: You must be logged into DRJ.com to download these free White Papers

Business Continuity Automation Guide
Sponsored by Castellan
Build the business case for business continuity software to optimize your limited time and resources and accelerate the growth of your program. In this guide, you’ll learn how to maximize the time spent on high-value activities and automate the rest. The end result? You’ll build the business case for leveraging business continuity software to get more done than ever before, with less effort and better results. Worksheet included. Download Here
What to Look for When Selecting an Emergency Mass Notification System Solution
Sponsored by Blackberry
When an event has the potential to escalate into an incident, disruption, disaster or a full-blown crisis, the ability to communicate specific warnings and instructions becomes even more critical. With a plethora of EMNS solutions on the market today, how do business leaders and communities decide which is most suitable? Download the whitepaper to help you choose an EMNS platform following our specific selection criteria.
Meeting the Crisis Communication Challenges of an Expanding and Increasingly Complex Threat Environment
Sponsored by BlackBerry
We have entered an age of synchronicity, in which seemingly unrelated critical events converge and influence one another in ways that are both complex and unexpected. It will become increasingly difficult for response teams to anticipate how their plans and processes will be affected by external factors or to approach critical events as discrete, isolated incidents. The implications for business owners and crisis and incident response professionals are likely to be profound and long lasting.